SME GST Registered

GST payments for your solar export

Is your business eligible?

If your business is registered for GST, we may be required to add GST to your solar export payment. Register your details below and Tango will do the rest!

We'll let you know once we've verified your GST registration and when your GST payments will begin. 

While you remain registered for GST, we'll add GST on the feed-in export we purchase from you in accordance with our relevant Feed-in Tariff Scheme Terms. It's important to let us know if circumstances change and your business is no longer registered for GST.  


Fill out the form below to register for GST payments.




Have a question or would like to know more? Simply, give us a call on 1800 010 648.

Between 8:00am and 6:00pm (AET) Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.