Tango Energy privacy collection statement
In this statement "we", "us" and "our" means Pacific Blue Retail Pty Ltd t/a Tango Energy (Tango Energy) (ABN 43 155 908 839) and our related bodies corporate.
The personal information that we collect from you includes:
- Your name, address/es, supply address/es and or mailing address, national metering identifiers and or metering reference numbers;
- your telephone numbers (including mobile number), email and or other forms of contact information;
- your banking and or credit card information, where you agree to enter into a direct debit or other payment arrangement with us; and
- where applicable, details of any concessions that you are eligible for and or medical information to facilitate the delivery of community services such as energy concessions, rebates and or other government administered programs.
We may also collect health information from you, such as if an individual at your property is using life support equipment at the supply address. If you provide us with health information about another individual (such as a member of your family), you represent to us that you have the consent of that individual to provide their health information to us.
We need to collect the requested personal information and sensitive information from you to assess whether we will sell you energy, on what terms and whether there are any special circumstances under which energy will be supplied. If you do not provide this information, we may not be able to provide you with service or assess your application. We may be required under applicable energy industry laws to collect some of all of these types of information about you.
The information you provide will be collected by or on behalf of us and may be disclosed to our third party service providers (including information technology suppliers and communication suppliers) or as required by law.
Applicable energy industry laws may require us to retain certain personal and other information about you for a specified period, such as details of any explicit informed consents that you have given to us. We will otherwise retain the personal information that we collect about you for so long as you are a customer of ours, for so long as we have a legitimate use for that information or for any period required by law (whichever is the longer period).
Our Privacy Policy is available on our website here and explains:
- how we store and use, and how you may access and correct your personal information;
- how you can lodge a complaint regarding the handling of your personal information; and
- how we will handle any complaint.
Via Email
By post
1A 3-35 Mackey Street,
North Geelong,
VIC 3125 Australia.
By providing your personal information to us, you consent to the collection, use, storage and disclosure of that information as described in the Privacy Policy and this collection notice.
If you do not wish to be contacted by Tango Energy for marketing purposes please fill out the No contact form here. This action may also limit the information you receive about special offers and new products.